In 1975, while living in Bluebird Canyon, Laguna Beach
California – yes it was/is as beautiful as it sounds – I traded an even older
Levi’s jacket for what at the time was this close-to-new model. As I recall the
switcheroo, there may have been quite a sizing differential, since my local-surfer
roommate at the time was at least 30 lbs lighter than me. Okay, call it 40. I’m
thinking that his girlfriend had probably bought the wrong, much larger size
for him.
I wore this in Southern California canyon winters over a
shirt to stay warm – yes, there were/are seasons there, folks – but also to work and the
beach in summer. Later, while living in San Francisco, I sometimes wore it in summer
under an old herringbone tweed jacket. Twain was right about San Francisco
It has been some years since I was able to actually button this
jacket; however, certain other female members of the family have enjoyed using
Do I harbor hopes of actually being able to properly wear
this jacket again one day? Hardly, but that doesn’t mean that I should part
with it. It’s a piece of personal history as well as being an iconic piece American
design and style history.
Besides, there’s anther generation in the family coming
along soon and she/he might find it useful, not to mention, valuable some day.
Until then, I’m holding on to it.
Thanks for sharing. I do love the image of you wearing it under a tweed jacket. Tres chic!